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SERAPH'S KISS aims to unite our community with a series of minigames and events that occur weekly! These events of course are different from a weekly and day to day basis so do stay tuned for new updates!

Sign up for events you plan to contribute to! Notify the organizer if you cannot attend.

This is not mandatory however it is a great segway to what the club has to offer.



Every paying customer at the bar has the option to participate in a mini game with a guaranteed prize. No guarantee the prize will be good. They must roll a number between 1-10 and whichever number the roll, they will receive the corresponding prize. They may have the opportunity to roll again if they purchase another drink.

Within the minigames, prizes could be a smaller sum of gil, minions etc.​


This might be your lucky day! Every week, we give out up to 1 Million gil or more to a lucky customer.

Upon entry, you are automatically registered to the lottery pool!

Each week there will be something new, whether it be a dress theme or a lucky roll dice!

We will usually be annoucing the winner by the end of the night so do visit and test your luck!


If you purchase FIVE (5) OR MORE drinks , the remaining purchases of the night will be 20% off!

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